程序包 rtc

类 VideoRenderer.I420Frame


public static class VideoRenderer.I420Frame extends Object
I420 视频帧
  • 字段详细资料

    • width

      public final int width
    • height

      public final int height
    • yuvStrides

      public final int[] yuvStrides
    • yuvPlanes

      public ByteBuffer[] yuvPlanes
    • yuvFrame

      public final boolean yuvFrame
    • samplingMatrix

      public final float[] samplingMatrix
    • textureId

      public int textureId
    • rotationDegree

      public int rotationDegree
  • 构造器详细资料

    • I420Frame

      public I420Frame(int width, int height, int rotationDegree, int[] yuvStrides, ByteBuffer[] yuvPlanes, long nativeFramePointer)
      Construct a frame of the given dimensions with the specified planar data.
    • I420Frame

      public I420Frame(int width, int height, int rotationDegree, int textureId, float[] samplingMatrix, long nativeFramePointer)
      Construct a texture frame of the given dimensions with data in SurfaceTexture
    • I420Frame

      public I420Frame(int rotationDegree, rtc.webrtc.VideoFrame.Buffer buffer, long nativeFramePointer)
      Construct a frame from VideoFrame.Buffer.
  • 方法详细资料

    • rotatedWidth

      public int rotatedWidth()
    • rotatedHeight

      public int rotatedHeight()
    • getYuvData

      public byte[] getYuvData(VideoRenderer.I420Frame frame, int index)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString 在类中 Object
    • toVideoFrame

      public rtc.webrtc.VideoFrame toVideoFrame()
      Convert the frame to VideoFrame. It is no longer safe to use the I420Frame after calling this.