AVDVideoFrame Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in AVDVideoFrame.h

Internal Methods

– initWithPixelBuffer:rotation:timeStampNs:

Initialize an AVDVideoFrame from a pixel buffer, rotation, and timestamp. Deprecated - initialize with a RTCCVPixelBuffer instead

- (instancetype)initWithPixelBuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer rotation:(AVDVideoRotation)rotation timeStampNs:(int64_t)timeStampNs


Initialize an AVDVideoFrame from a pixel buffer, rotation, and timestamp. Deprecated - initialize with a RTCCVPixelBuffer instead

Declared In


– initWithPixelBuffer:scaledWidth:scaledHeight:cropWidth:cropHeight:cropX:cropY:rotation:timeStampNs:

Initialize an AVDVideoFrame from a pixel buffer combined with cropping and scaling. Cropping will be applied first on the pixel buffer, followed by scaling to the final resolution of scaledWidth x scaledHeight.

- (instancetype)initWithPixelBuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer scaledWidth:(int)scaledWidth scaledHeight:(int)scaledHeight cropWidth:(int)cropWidth cropHeight:(int)cropHeight cropX:(int)cropX cropY:(int)cropY rotation:(AVDVideoRotation)rotation timeStampNs:(int64_t)timeStampNs


Initialize an AVDVideoFrame from a pixel buffer combined with cropping and scaling. Cropping will be applied first on the pixel buffer, followed by scaling to the final resolution of scaledWidth x scaledHeight.

Declared In


– initWithBuffer:rotation:timeStampNs:

Initialize an AVDVideoFrame from a frame buffer, rotation, and timestamp.

- (instancetype)initWithBuffer:(id<RTCVideoFrameBuffer>)frameBuffer rotation:(AVDVideoRotation)rotation timeStampNs:(int64_t)timeStampNs


Initialize an AVDVideoFrame from a frame buffer, rotation, and timestamp.

Declared In
